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Access, Personalize & Scale AR Instantly

Unlock AR for businesses, brands and their clientele

Circumvent the traditional requisites, financial impediments and prior expertise

Generative AI



Web AR 

Objective oriented

AI Guidance


Superior Mobile AR Infrastructure

Leveraging the ubiquity of smartphones to bring AR experiences to a global audience seamlessly and through Unparalleled accessibility!

Generative AI

Creation Panel

User interface that leverages generative artificial intelligence algorithms to facilitate the interactive and dynamic generation of content

Analytics & Valuations

Track user interactions and engagement, while assessesing the financial impact of actions, guiding strategic decisions for enhanced economic value.

Get Started in Three Steps


Log in

Create an account to enter the Orb platform anywhere anytime, via web browser. 



Tell us about your goal, audience and business guidelines, leave the rest to Orb platform, or explore the free form creation ability guided by AI.



Share the experience with your audience via QR Code or Link, for them to scan or open via Mobile. 

Have a look!

Augment experiences like never before

Download on the App Store
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